Ancient deities are among us in today’s world.

Plus, they happen to be really good at time travelling. These Ancients enjoy their daily interactions with us mere mortals. They enjoy interacting with us, and they enjoy their devices.

Ancients over-index in the use of technology, especially mobile. They were also among the first demographic group to adapt crypto currency.

At times they’ll share a laugh with each other and comment on what they could do if they could simply take a cell phone back a thousand years or so.

In addition to checking in on their descendants, I’ve noticed they very much enjoy documenting their day to day activities, much the way many of us do.

Selfies seem to be at the top of their go-to activities.

The Ancient represented here in Xelfi Time is a modern representation of mobile activity fancied by those Ancients among us. Don’t be surprised if you come across a glyph on a ball court in the Yucatan sometime that was inspired by this.

Here’s to time travelling!